Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ridgeway Elementary - Spring Fair Volunteers

May 14th 2016, Saturday
runs rain or shine
11:30am - 2:30pm

Volunteer Opportunities:
We are looking for volunteer help in 3 main areas.
  1. Help with set up of tables, chairs, games etc (10am-11:30am)
  2. Assistance with running a station during the Fair hours 11:30am-2:30pm (Face painting, ticket taking at bouncy castles, bake walk etc.
  3. Help with take down and clean up after the Fair (2:30pm-3:30pm)

  • Students who volunteer for a minimum 3 hour shift will be provided with a free lunch and drink.
  • Any student consideration of a volunteer time commitment, ranging from 1.5 hours to all-day would be appreciated.

Student supervision:
  1. All student volunteers will be supervised by an adult volunteer from the Ridgeway PAC while working at any 'stations' and will be assisted and directed by RPAC volunteers during set up/take down hours.
  2. A  member of our Ridgeway school admin will also be present on site at all times throughout the Fair.      
Volunteer Hours Report:  Our PAC will also be pleased to document in writing for any student requesting, the number of hours and the type of work volunteered towards work experience/volunteer credit.

Please sign up now (contact Ms. Abad cabad@sd44.ca)

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