Friday, September 11, 2015

Minerals Ed - Work Experience & SSA Field Trip

MineralsEd is arranging a Secondary Work Experience or SSPA Student Field Trip Thursday, October 15

MineralsEd is Partnering with Mainland Sand & Gravel Ltd. and Rempel Brothers Concrete to run a field trip for Grade 11 & 12 students enrolled in Work Experience or SSA (Secondary School Apprenticeship Program).   

Mainland employs people in a wide range of job - accountants, sales experst, haul truck drivers and HD mechanics.

Rempel employs batchment to mixer drivers, salespeople and trades.

There is no charge for this trip, but a $25 deposit is required to secure a seat. (It will be refunded unless the registrant does not show up on the day of the trip.)

Teacher nomination and parent permission forms must be submitted.   The final deadline for receipt of all  forms is Noon, Oct. 8.

Please see Mrs. Watson

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fresh Air Learning Program Volunteers

Are you interested to work with elementary or preschool-age children?   

This opportunity is ideal for students who'd like to get experience working with children outdoors and who are considering education, child care, or biology/ecology.  

You would working with experienced teachers and children 3-10 years of age, depending on which program you choose.

The programs run Monday-Thursday. 

Training sessions this fall are on September 22nd and 23rd, 3:30-6:00 pm. Volunteers only need to attend one session.   

Please see or contact Ms. Abad for more details 

Elections Canada - Poll Volunteers Needed!

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