Thursday, December 20, 2012

Are you volunteering on Grouse? OR?

If you 've been accepted  to volunteer on Grouse mountain or where ever and you are working towards work experience credits - WEX 12A or WEX 12B then I need to know about it so we can do the paperwork and track your hours.

Sorry to be nagging but you can't submit your hours for credit after they are all done!!

I know a number of students applied to volunteer on Grouse. All positions are now full so if you were accepted please let me know ASAP!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Interested in business- Connect with Junior Achievement

Apply now and get credits for attending this program.
Contact me after you've registered and before you start!

Are you ready to venture into business?

Have you ever dreamed of launching your own company one day?

If so, consider the Junior Achievement Company Program

Learn how to:
o  make a business plan
o  build a company
o  market its product

When:  Jan 17 – May 2, 2013
    Thursdays 6 – 8pm.

Where: 123 East 23rd Street, North Vancouver.
              Memorial, Lynn Room

Registration begins:       November 7th 2012
Call 604-987-7529
Reference: 297296

Monday, December 17, 2012

Minerals Ed for potential Engineering, business students

MineralsEd 2013 Secondary Student Day at Roundup
Jan 28, 2013Location: Mineral Exploration Roundup 2013, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver

For the tenth year in a row, MineralsEd is extending a special invitation to secondary students interested in learning more about the modern minerals industry and careers it offers. Special invited guests will be students from Ms. Jennifer Artibise' Geology 12 class at West Vancouver Secondary. Their geology projects will be on display all week.

Students from other secondary schools are invited them for this unique learning opportunity. Students who can benefit most from the experience have an interest in geoscience, mining, or engineering, or broadly in indirectly-related fields as varied as business and accounting, investment banking and securities, environmental consulting, back country expediting, etc.

The all day program (9am to 3pm) include presentations by young people who are working in different capacities in the industry in the Vancouver area, as well as a career-focussed exploration of the trade show exhibits, and hands-on gold panning with Yukon Dan. Students are accompanied during the day by BCIT, SFU, UBC, UVic, U of A, and other post-secondary geosciences and mining students, as well as MineralsEd staff. These student guides share insights on their backgrounds and learning or work experiences in their minerals related career.
See Mrs Watson in D107    to be nominated.

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