Monday, October 28, 2019

Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

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 The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is a national conservation program that provides Canadians the opportunity to take action in their communities wherever water meets land, one bit of trash at a time.

Contact Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
Phone 1-877-427-2422
Lead a Shoreline Cleanup
The main way to get involved is to organize a local cleanup and sign up as a Site
Coordinator by searching for a cleanup location near you on the Lead a cleanup map:
As lead organizer for a cleanup, the Site Coordinator has the following responsibilities:
  • Selecting the date, time and location
  • Ensuring location is suitable for a cleanup
  • Providing basic cleanup supplies
  • Completing simple data cards that track amount and type of litter
  • Arranging waste disposal of litter collected

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