Tuesday, September 17, 2013

HOW TO GET wex CREDITS.....and a job.

You're looking for a job and it's tough. The resume is kind of weak.....what to do????

Volunteer / Do work experience to fill out the resume and create opportuntities.
WEX will often lead to a job with the employer or maybe with a similar employer because you come with experience.
Employers often contact the school looking for students to do WEX hoping they will find a student with a great work ethic to hire...... See Ms Watson for current employers

So to get started........

 If you are volunteering or participating in a work experience...you MUST completed a WORK EXPERIENCE registration form, signed by a parent and submit it to MRS Watson (rm D107)  BEFORE you  start volunteering or participating in a WEX.

You must complete Work safe before you start WEX. See Mrs Watson for details.
If you are in grade 10, Explorer or Science COOP - you have/will complete Worksafe in class.

HOURS completed before the paperwork is submitted will not count as part of the required 100 hours.

i.e.  Sept 10-18 you complete 30 hours.( not counted)
       Sept 18 registration form submitted to Mrs Watson
       Sept 21 Work safe completed
       Sept 22- First hour worked towards the required 100 hours

Many WEX opportunities must be submitted by a school staff member.i.e. Vancouver Aquarium, Science World etc.    So even though the application is on line, you will send the application to Mrs Watson and she will submit it.

Good Luck!!!


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