Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Aunt Leah's Tree Lots - Volunteers Needed!

Aunt Leah's Tree Lots raises funds to assist youth in foster care, including teen moms, with their transition to independent living. Every year, hundreds of community members volunteer their time to help sell Christmas trees.

Please show your support and have some fun!

This is a great holiday activity to do plus you are earning WEX/Volunteer hours.

Volunteer jobs are in:
  • customer service/sales
  • cashier
  • lot maintenance
  • set-up and clean-up
  • holding trees to show families
  • helping load trees to vehicle
  • trimming trunks and lower branches

Note: Not everyone has to do heavy lifting! If this is a concern for you, you can sign up to work as cashier or providing customer service. 

Please contact Chloe Dunn (Volunteer Coordinator) at (604) 525-1204 x224 or for more information or to sign up! Or visit


Before starting your volunteer or WEX, please see Ms. Abad or Ms. Watson

Monday, November 3, 2014

BCIT - Watch Engineering students in action!

BCIT Engineering Students (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) are holding a

"Mini-WEC" competition at BCIT

on November 12 at 4:30pm

The Western Engineering Competition (WEC) is an event held annually where engineering students from between western Ontario to Vancouver Island go against each other in various skill testing competitions. At our competition, the biggest thing will be watching design.
Further information about what some competitions are like can be found at the following link:


This is a great opportunity for students interested in a career in Engineering!   Teachers and parents are welcome too.

For further information:

or see Ms. Abad or Ms. Watson

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