Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Health Sciences Gairdner Symposium Oct 22

Attend the International Gairdener Symposium !

Meet 2 award winning health science experts; Dr William Kaelin  and Dr. Jeffrey Ravetech
topics..How I accidentally became a scientist(and glad I did)
           How antibodies work and why.

AND get a behind the scenes tour of our world class research facility- right here in Vancouver!!!

more info at www.cmmt.ubc.ca/sform

 Oct 22 8:30-12:45 at the Child and Family Research institute

email me to register now.

Volunteer!! www.nscr.bc.ca

  • Need to beef up your scholarship and university applications,
  • Need your 30 hours volunteer/wex to graduate
  • Not sure what your career path is
  • Want to try something new.
  • Your resume is blank and you can't get a job

Check out www.nscr.bc.ca   Youth Volunteer Directory

Volunteer for one day or for on a regular basis and learn marketable, employable skills....

I work for the North Vancouver School District because I volunteered in a school 18 years ago!

You never know where it will take you!!

Interested in Emergency Services; police, Fire, Ambulance...

So you think you might like to be a police officer, paramedic, fire fighter, search and rescue.....

Attend the North Shore Youth Beginner Emergency Services Team     BEST !!

Taking applications now!!

Attend sessions every second Tues and learn tangible leadership and life skills in a fun and intereactive environment, built on  the structure of an elite law enforcement training academy.

And if you like this idea....take the challenge and attend the 10 day RCMP YOUTH  ACADEMY.
                                           10 days of REAL BOOT CAMP in April 2013
Must be 16 by Dec 21 2012   ...email me and I'll put you on the list for an application when they come out in OCT.

MINIMED at Child and Family Research Institute

Again - if you're interested in a career in the medical field.....

Ask your science teacher to nominate you for MINI MED -attend a series of 6 lectures on stem cell and organ transplants.  Theme:  Translpantation. Can we Fix Broken Parts?

These session are open to all medical professionals but spots are reserved for students who show great promise in science.   EXCELLENT NETWORKING OPPPORTUNITY!!


Again WEX credits availbale for attending...please let me know, BEFORE you start.


Applications and info available on the WEX bulletin board

Lynn Valley Care Center

Thinking of a career in the medical field..........volunteer at a seniors center.

Lynn Calley Care centre and Vancouver Coastal Health are accepting volunteer applications.

See the WORK EXPERIENCE Bulletin Board.
(must be 16 yrs old)

Leasdership at NS Family Services

If you're interested in psychology, social work, working with people, or just want to make a difference.........this one is amazing!!!

North Shore Neighborhood House is launching a Youth Leasdership Advisosry Board

                                                YOUTH- LAB

Come together to discuss and advise how to raise awareness of mental health issues.
NS Family Services needs youth input!!  Grade 10-12
Applications are on the WORK EXPERIENCE bulletin board or send a quick email to


Phone 604-988-5281  ext 217  or ext 373

YWCA Mentorship Program for WOMEN ONLY


Taking applications now......until Sept 25 and that's it.  Meet monthly with a professional mentor to get you started on your career of choice.

AND get WEX12A credits...see me for more info.

pgiraud@nvsd44.bc.ca   Always cc me when you apply to volunteer or do WEX.

Vancouver Opera

Vancouver Opera is taking applications NOW!! 

Spend 40 hours behind the scenes, learn all there is to know about,  theatre productions, meet performers, the band, AND attend the preview performance.

ONLY one student from this school will get to go....so get your application in  TO ME  NOW


WE' RE BACK and there's lots going on!!

Watch this blog weekly  ( at least) so you don't miss out on any great opportunities.

Coming soon....applications for the RCMP Youth Academy  
                                       Job Fair and  Volunteer at
                Grouse Mountain               Cypress Mountain

BCIT Biotech Career Awareness Program

Possible Tours to Electronic Arts and CBC studios.....if there's any interest. You let me know. 

And watch for lunch hour Career Spotlights...............................

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