Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Volunteers Needed! - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada

Vancouver Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon
on Sunday, Oct 26th, 2014!

With your contribution in time and effort on these events, the funding we receive will definitely allow life-saving research to continue. This also means we are just one step closer to finding a cure to blood cancer.

Event Details:
- Location: 1600 Bayshore Drive, Vancouver
Water Station Crew:

-7:00 am – 12:00 pm
Please get your volunteer forms from Ms. Abad.
For any questions, contact Atul at atul.gadhia@lls.org (Team in-Training)


Career Learning Day - Oct 30

Women in Business & Finance

20+ Career Role Models

The Career Learning Day is a free one-day conference event where young women have the opportunity to interact with professional women in their field, to explore career paths in a field such as business and finance, learn general strategies for career planning, as well as discuss business relationship building and networking. We’ve already had a successful event in Toronto which drew 250 students from a number of private and public schools.
Oct 30, 2014
Cost:  A fully refundable $10 per student registration deposit willb e required to confirm spaces.
Croatian Cultural Cenre
3250 Commercial Drive
Vancouver BC V5N 4E4
or see Ms. Abad to get the registration form.

British Youth Parliament - Annual Session (Dec 27)

Every year, between December 27th and 31st, 95 representatives of youth organizations from across British Columbia gather at the Provincial Legislature in Victoria for the annual session of BC Youth Parliament.
Members sit as independents — not representing any political party and voting with their individual consciences on all issues. Members learn about, and experience firsthand the parliamentary process, debate topics of interest, and plan numerous activities for the upcoming year. After Session, members put these activities and projects into action. Proposed activities are presented in the form of government bills; once passed they're actually put into effect!
Applications now being accepted and must be received by October 29th.
To receive application form and info package, please see Ms. Watson or Ms. Abad
For more information, contact Dora Turje registrar@bcyp.org  or visit:  http://www.bcyp.org/joinus.html

Take Our Kids to Work Day - Nov 5

The Learning Partnership's 20th annual Take Our Kids to Work program
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, over 200,000 grade nine students across Canada will spend the day at work, job shadowing a parent, relative, friend or volunteer host.
What will students get out of the program?
  • Develop an appreciation for the importance of staying in school and getting a high school diploma and pursuing post-secondary studies
  • Gain exposure to the skills required in today’s workplaces. 
  • Develop an appreciation for their parents’ roles in making a living and supporting their families.
  • Begin career discussions with adults about the work they do. 
  • Gain a better understaind of the complexity of career choices and the benefits of early exploration.
  • Explore a careeer options in practical way.
Last year 80% of the grade nines at Sutherland Secondary participated in
Take Our Kids to Work Day!!
For more info please go to:
Consent forms were given to G9 block 3 classes on Oct 17.   If you did not receive the form, please see Ms. Abad (in the counseling) or Ms. Watson (in Foods)

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