Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 2 more and more summer stuff

For the LADIES     3 day fire fighter camp!!! Check it out- you never know what you can do. Apply by June 9 

Serious Summer Fun at CAP U    Definitely for students interested in childcare or education...BUT also an opportunity to connect with professionals in your area of interest.
 i.e a previous volunteer student connected with a professor/researcher in astronomy who was teaching the kids program.          You never know when you will connect with a mentor!

SFU Summer camps .....everything from bagpipes to badminton...volunteers needed  apply now

...more to come...check back often......

June 1 only 2 weeks to exams!!!

First the nagging          if you want to take Work Experience 12A or 12B next year then you MUST submit a signed registration form   ASAP. If I'm not in slide it under door and I'll contact you by email.

If you are  finishing WEX then your red folders need to be in to me for marking ASAP!!

If you still need volunteer hours to graduate .....check out the Green Market

For all other students- Plan ahead!! Get your hours done this summer!! Lots of great opportunities out there.  Check out previous blogs and apply NOW!!


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