Friday, February 19, 2016

City Park Stewards

Evergreen, the City of North Vancouver and local stewards are working together in your community through invasive removal and native plantings.

Upcoming Events:

April 2nd (Saturday) 9am-12pm:  Heywood Park

We will be working at the upper end of the park, just below the upper levels highway. Please park in the gravel parking lot at the intersection of Hamilton Ave and 21st St W (map). Our work site will be at the entrance to the trails at the Northwest corner of the soccer fields (marked as "MacKay Creek Greenbelt" on the map). 

What We'll Do
Help remove invasive plant species and learn about local ecology.
No experience required.

What To Bring
Weather-appropriate clothing, sturdy footwear and a water bottle

We Will Provide
Gloves, tools, drinking water and snacks.

Laura Nickerson
Greenspace Program Coordinator at
604-689-0766 ext 221

Or see Ms. Abad to register

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