January 6 - March 3
The North Vancouver District Public Library
is looking for up to 4 Teen Book Buddy Volunteers
- Are in grades 10, 11, or 12
- Enjoy working with younger children, including those with learning disabilities or who are English Language Learners
- Are enthusiastic about reading, and can model reading as an enjoyable activity
- Are patient, supportive, encouraging, and can help younger children stay focussed
- Are able to communicate clearly, effectively and courteously with children, parents, library staff and fellow Book Buddy volunteers
- Are able to keep schedules, notes and statistics
Book Buddies is a Library program that helps children aged 6-11
who need support and encouragement in maintaining and improving their reading
skills. Children are matched with a teen
volunteer, and for ½ hour each week the Book Buddies read aloud to each other,
choose books to take home, and do literacy-based activities such as word games.
Commitment: 22 hours over 2 months: Tuesdays 3:30-6:00 pm, Capilano Library, 3405 Highland Blvd. This includes a two hour training session.
Deadline: December 19, 2014 (Please submit a cover letter and resume to Alison Campbell alicam@nvdpl.ca
All volunteers must complete a criminal record check and those who successfully complete the required hours will receive written confirmation.
To count your hours as work experience, see or email Ms. Abad (cabad@sd44.ca) or Mrs. Watson (kwatson@sd44.ca)
All volunteers must complete a criminal record check and those who successfully complete the required hours will receive written confirmation.