Monday, January 6, 2020

Operation Med School - Registration is now open!

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, textOperation Med School (OMS) is a non-profit, student-run organization that hosts one-day conferences in Canada and the USA to educate youth about the journey of a medical career. Our goal is to inspire, inform and encourage students to follow their medical dreams and head bravely into their future endeavors.

OMS was started by a group of high school students in Vancouver, BC in 2012. Each conference gives students a new approach to medical careers through activities and lectures by medical experts. It is the perfect chance for high school students to explore the medical field, meet peers who share the same passion, and speak with knowledgeable medical professionals.

OMS has been creating an opportunity for youth to gain valuable leadership and event management skills since it began in 2012 as a conference for high school students from high school students. As the organization has grown, each city conference continues to be organized by a team of local high school students.

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