All work experience and SSA students should be a follower on this BLOG
This is where the opportunities are!! This is where all the great stuff happens!!
So if you're registered in WEX 12A or WEX 12B you should be checking in at least once a week for possible placements- I can't email each of you everytime something comes up and I know you don't want all that junk mail.......
Put it in your favorites check in often You don't want to miss out!!!
Right now you could "work" at Youthink Magazine for one week Nov 21-25
There are 3 spaces left for the Gairdner Symposium Oct 24
BCIT Biotech program is taking applications NOW
Mini Med starts Oct 19 and I don't have a single application yet!
Motion Picture Career Expo is Nov 2---who's going??
Volunteer on Cypress Mountain and get a free pass....
ALL students in the province of BC must complete a minimum of 30 hours VOLUNTEER, WORK EXPERIENCE or PAID EMPLOYMENT to Graduate. Work experience includes hands-on work experience (business, government, self-employed, non-profit or volunteer organization), job shadowing a worker, career mentoring with a worker, career simulation activities for occupations where hands-on work experience is not available (such as the Fire Fighters Career Day).
Pageviews last month
Too old for camp? Too young to work? Have a rewarding and fun summer.... For more information, please go to:
We’re Hiring! We are looking in the community for people to work for our growing company, and wanted to reach ou...
See Mrs Watson to apply Rm D107 LYNN VALLEY CARE CENTRE ( Lynn Valley Lodge & Lynn Valley Ma...
Learn more about the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) and the education it provides to facilitate rewarding careers in justi...
Capilano Mall is looking for volunteers to help with Gift Wrapping for donations. Training is this Tuesday Dec 4 and Wednesday Dec 5 ...
Volunteer with Tennis BC Leith Wheeler Stanley Park Open June 30th - July 16th, 2017 The Stanley Park Open is the largest gras...
APPLY BY NOV 1!!! RE: Winter Break Visitor Experience Placement The Vancouver Aquarium is currently recruiting 14 students for ...
Needed Admissions Team Members Park Rangers Nature Guides Entertainers a...
Hi Everyone, A brand new contest is now up on and I wanted to share it with you! All you need to do is go to the c...
Still taking applications for the Reel2Real Youth Jury-- learn how to be a film critic! In...